Saturday, 1 June 2019

One Day With Nepal Police

On the date 2019/5/30, we grade 9 students participated in public police partnership. This community works for keeping our society secure and peaceful. On this day some of the police officers took us to different places and provided us different informations about them, education for us and their responsibilities towards our nation. 
We were taken for a short class about cyber crime. They told us some important things about cyber crime. Cyber crime are the criminal activities on the computer and internet. Nowadays, criminal are are everywhere. Even in the internet they are doing wrong things like hacking, spamming and even posting annoying videos. And as almost everyone nowadays have access to internet and social media we were instructed to be more aware from these kinds of activities. We were told not to be involved in these activities and also not kepping ourself safe from the hackers and criminals. We should not talk with strangers and also not accept their request. They also told us to be aware from sexting, sextorturing, blackmailing, phising and so on. 
After this class we were taken to their control room. There we were shown some footages of accidents also. They showed us how they observe the accidents and criminal activities for investigations. And after a short while, we were taken to observe the police dogs and horses too. Seeing them was soo entertaining. There were different trained dogs and horses. They were classified into different groups like narcotic dogs, bomb dogs, tracker dogs and rescue dogs. They even showed us their skills. All of them were disciplined. 
Lastly, this program was very motivational for all of us. Seeing our nations police forces work hardly was overwhelming and really  inspirational. I hope these type of educations be shared to everyone.
Thank you!

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